The leadership of Burco Municipality has resigned from the ruling party Kulmiye to join the opposition Waddani.
This after mayor and the deputy mayor of Burco announced they will back the Waddani party candidate Abdirahman Irro at a press conference on Friday.
Mayor Mohamed Hersi and his deputy Suldan Jama who have been instrumental in Kulmiye activities in the municipality said they will know put their efforts to ensure Waddani candidate Abdirahman Irro is elected as the next president of Somaliland.
“We are now in Waddani and all out efforts will be to support Irro to become president,” they said.
Meanwhile Waddani national campaign chairman Saleeban Dogox said plans are afoot to have a big celebration when Waddani wins the presidential elections on November 13.
“We will hold the next party at the presidential palace,” Dogox said.
Elsewhere, the Waddani party vice chairman Dr Mohamed Abdillahi Omar was in Gabiley where he held a series of meetings.
He congratulated the campaign committee for the exempelary work in the quest to have Waddani party candidate elected.
“I am hereby congratulating the committee of the electoral affairs of Gabiley region who are doing their work well. I say “victory is near,” said Omar.
This committee, including members of parliament of the district council and leaders from the Waddani party.
Omar said: ” I would like to congratulate them on how active they are doing this.”