The president of the republic of Somaliland Mr. Abdirahman Maxamed Abdilaahi (Cirro) (along with the minister of the presidential palace, the spokesman and the secretary of the president) had an important meeting with the committee of peace of the Republic of Somaliland whom the president appointed recently.
The president told the peace committee of JSL that the aim of their establishment is to create a peaceful environment based on discussion, understanding, and participation in the community so that the Republic of Somaliland all regions of the country will have lasting peace and stability.
The president told the members of the peace committee that they have a lawful personnel who are responsible for the development of peace, stability and protecting the unity of the Republic of Somaliland.
He further told the members that the making of the peace committee had a big impact on the international level, as they are national elders who have a name and honor in the Somaliland community.
He said the Committee is expected to improve the efforts of the JSL government to keep peace, resolving conflicts and reconciliation in our society, especially in the areas where the jobs exist.
The president told the Peace Committee they have full power to facilitate peace talks and create an environment for discussions to strengthen peace and stability in the community and to prevent conflicts and conflicts in the region of the Republic of Somaliland;
The peace committee of Somaliland, on their side, talked of the latest efforts and steps taken to start the discussion on the areas of peace, especially the cultural leaders from the areas where the jobs exist.
The JSL Peace Committee has assured the president that they will double the responsibilities assigned to them especially the holding, facilitating and the meeting of peace and discussions with the communities affected by the conflict.