Opposition party Kulmiye held a meeting on Sunday morning to discuss its future and how it will play opposition politics to check on the Waddani government.
Kulmiye and its presidential candidate Muse Bihi resoundingly defeated in the November 13 elections ushering in the Waddani government under president Abdirahman Irro.
In the meeting where the leaders of Kulmiye party, members of the executive committee, members of the party and the party’s elections were present, discussions touched on the situation in the country and what position it should take as an opposition party.
“We discussed on the way the party will be conducting itself an opposition, “ said an insider in the meeting.
“KULMIYE party is known for protecting the nationalism of the Republic of Somaliland and we will stick to that,” said the source.
The party also discussed how it will run its daily activities, organizing and advising, together with the preparation for it’s rebuilding.