The National Electoral Commission JSL held a meeting on Wednesday with the leaders of the parties and political organizations of JSL.
At that meeting KDQ presented the electoral interests, by writing out detailed information in multiple parts, such as Information about the works that have been done and are going to be for instance preparation of equipment and boxes for election sites, publishing Books for Voters at Election Places (FVL Books), information about KDQ meetings with the winners and their trip to Nairobi.
They also wanted to be appraised on the preparation survey for polling stations.
Other key areas were rules and regulations of the elections which are:
- KDQ Committee of Parties & Organizations (Taskforce) at KDQ.
- The writing of the ethics rules & ethics of parties & organizations in KDQ.
- The writings of the Regulator of the Ethics Committee, inspection and resolution of the disputes.
3.\n Mr. Ronan, the executive expert who executed the Biometric Voter Registration System Audit, and the same time he gave his report from there. The leaders of parties and organizations asked us questions to the expert.
4.\n Information related to the process and activities of the Booyometric Voter Confirmation (BVVS). Another KDQ told interests that next week they will altogether test the IRIS system (BVVS inhouse testing).
5 . 5 Finally, KDQ report on the finances of the election in general, what is linked to the ballot box, and the plan for completing the missing section.
The leaders of the parties and organizations shared inheritance advice with the Commission, and promised that the work of the elections will follow KDQ. The two sides agreed that the political parties and organizations should submit members of the committee (Taskforce), while the commission should strengthen the meetings, consultations and advisories of the parties/organizations to promote the openness of the elections.