Tag: Waheen Market

Hon of Africa News 2 Min Read

Plans in place for the reconstruction of Waheen Market

The Somaliland government has set timelines for the completion of the reconstruction process of the expansive Waheen market that was razed down in April. The Minister of Religious Endowment Sh. Abdirisaq Hussein Albani and the mayor of Hargeisa Abdikarim Ahmed Mooge said plans are almost complete and the private investors…

News 7 Min Read

Waheen Market rising from the ashes

Nimo Abdillahi Muhumed knows a thing or two about patience The 36-year-old spent almost two decades building up her small business selling vegetables, clothing, perfumes and cosmetics in a store at the Waheen Market in Hargeisa, the largest marketplace in Somaliland. On the evening of 1 April 2022, she lost it all.…

News 2 Min Read

Reconstruction of Waheen market set to begin after government okays process

The government has given a the go-ahead to business people ready to rebuild their premises that were wiped out in the Waaheen market blaze of 1st April this year to do so. The Minister for Endowments and Religious Affairs, who is the Chairperson of the national committee on the re-building…

News 3 Min Read

Somali community in Cardiff rally to raise funds to support disaster struck relatives back home

Twin catastrophes on the Horn of Africa have inspired a Welsh Somali community to raise awareness and funds. A fourth year of crop failures has displaced almost one million people around Somlia's capital city Mogadishu. Meanwhile, Hargeisa, the capital of the republic of Somaliland, has been totally devastated by a…

News 3 Min Read

$ 23 million raised towards rebuilding Waheen market

A total of $23 000 000 has been raised so far for the rebuilding of Waheen market in Somaliland which was guttered by fire in early April, the president announced in his final state of the nation address in his ending term of office. The fire destroyed properties worth up…