The Somaliland Roads Authority has received road construction and maintenance machineries to aid in infrastractural development in the country.
The Minister of Planning and National Development Dr. Ahmed Adan, the chairman of the Somaliland Development Fund, SDF on Wednesday handed over the modern equipment for the construction of roads to the Minister of Transport and Road Development and the manager of the Road Development Agency.
This equipment consisted of asphalt pavers, road marking equipments and road construction testing equipment.
The ceremony at the Road Development Agency (RDA) was attended by the Minister of Planning and National Development Dr. Ahmed Aden Buhane, Minister of Transport and Road Development Abdirisaq Ibrahim Mohamed, Manager of Road Development Agency Eng Mawlid Nuh Ibrahim and officials from the Somaliland Development Fund of SDF .
The equipment will be used in the construction of highways connecting cities.
The manager of the Somaliland Road Development Agency, Engineer Mawliid Nuh Ibrahim said four European governments- the United Kingdom, Holland, Denmark and Norway, have supported the project.