Taiwan’s representative to Somaliland on Tuesday donated wheelchairs to the physically handicapped people in Hargeisa in an event commemorating International Week of Deaf People.
The wheelchairs were provided by Pu-Hsein Educational Foundation and Cao Zhong Zhi Foundation and will be utilized to benefit the underprivileged, according to the Taiwan Representative Office in Somaliland. Taiwan has always believed that “Care, sympathy, and empathy transcend borders,” Lou said.
There is a Somaliland saying that “if a man gives something from his pocket to help you, there is one man; if a man mediates from another person’s pocket to help you, there are two men,” the representative added.
“Taiwan looks forward to exploring more opportunities for humanitarian and emergency cooperation with like-minded partners, INGOs, and NGOs in Somaliland in the future,” Lou said.
Taiwan and Somaliland began deepening bilateral relations in 2020 with the mutual establishment of representative offices the same year.