Somaliland’s House of Representatives Standing and Ethics Committee now wants legal action be taken against the Chief of Somaliland Intelligence, the Chief of the Sanaag Police Department and the Director of the Hargeisa Hospital for frustrating their investigations into the killing of pro democracy protestors last month.
The committee accuse the trio of obstructing the investigations.
The team released their investigation report on the recent protests in Somaliland, confirming that no police officers have been arrested or investigated for killing five unarmed protesters.
The committee said that the security forces used excessive force and live ammunition as they tried to disperse the legally protesting civilians.
Somaliland Police Chief, Mohamed Adan Dabagale was put to task to explain who authorised the officers to use live ammunition on unarmed protestors.
“No one gave the order to shoot, and we reminded the soldiers that the protesters are their people, if necessary they should use rubber bullets and tear gas.” the police commander told the Parliamentary committee.
The top cop had made unsubstantiated allegations that the protesters fired shots at the police,
However, the Minister of Internal Affairs of Somaliland, Mohamed Kahin, who was also questioned by the Standing and Discipline Committee of the House of Representatives about the deadly August 11, 2022 prodemocracy protest in Somaliland, confirmed that protesters were unarmed.
“The protesters never shot at the soldiers, but there were stones thrown.” the Minister of Internal Affairs of Somaliland, Mohamed Kahin contradicted the commander.
The committee suggested that legal action should be taken against the Chief of Somaliland Intelligence, the Chief of the Sanaag Police Department and the Director of the Hargeisa Hospital who all impeded and obstructed the parliamentary committee’s investigation.
Prodemocracy protesters against President Muse Bihi’s desire to postpone the presidential elections in November erupted in Somaliland on August 11,2022 , 5 people died, many and more injured as police used live ammunition on civilians.